FLOT Con Text Blog

Welcome to Flot-Con Text: a blog where I release my newest poetry since and as of twentyten. Enjoy! Peace!
Sam Flot

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Will Speak My Mind

I will speak and I will speak my mind! I will lay it down on the stone cold ground and then I will break it down and not directly straight upside your head but ambiguously spread all over the block strategically avoiding graphic depictions of interactions releasing emotions and feelings and physical reactions impulses and jerking knees and arms convulsing and counter-intuitively sending limbs akimbo and meaning will be taken where none was given and meaning will be taken where all was sought and meaning will be made up and conjured and debated and unclear except to the thinking and the knowing and the willing who do not doubt the benefit of speaking and I will speak and I will speak my mind looping my redial and reducing my truncations I will speak and I will speak my mind dripping off the page succinct and without rage summoning inside myself ranting fits of passion unbent from my stride and meant for no fashion I will speak! And I speak my mind in farm fields and coal mines I will you know I will and the only thing I hate is when people tell me what to do so I will not tell you what to do but I will speak loudly and I will speak clearly and I will speak my mind!

3.15.ten Sunny Fog Nest fLOT

1 comment:

  1. I love this and can hear you in my mind performing it!!!
