FLOT Con Text Blog

Welcome to Flot-Con Text: a blog where I release my newest poetry since and as of twentyten. Enjoy! Peace!
Sam Flot

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hurt and Purity

Hurt and Purity

 by Sam Flot   2002

The lighter’s flame breaks the 6 am dawn
As I take the sacred sacrament
Before the Church of Miles
Today’s selection is from Tokyo, circa 1973
When and how does he breathe?
Staccato bursts by definition
But he redefines the word
Soft, subtle nuances slowly appear through morning’s wake
I realize, hearing with prior knowledge, the ordained genius
I knew he was good by hearsay and initial listenings
But now my court knows the truth by proclamation
The evidence has been digested and remains true
All the while the insistent wail urges on
Incomplete of itself
Searching vainly to find
And Love

His music is his soul in a blender
Minced and chopped
Pureed and poured back out
Through the lungs 
To the cold, cold metal
Appropriated by his fingers
To be sent to the winds

Crying a legacy of misunderstanding, hurt and purity
Through his horn
His pain, our pleasure

I hope he’s at peace
That his soul can rest

All the urgency replaced by contentedness
Happiness and above all peace

I hope Miles’ soul feels peace
I think he does
I hope he does

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