FLOT Con Text Blog

Welcome to Flot-Con Text: a blog where I release my newest poetry since and as of twentyten. Enjoy! Peace!
Sam Flot

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nothing You Do Not Want

Nothing You Do Not Want

Nothing you do not want to stand still
 Will not spin incandescently descending down the hill
 Forgetting to adjust for wind and rocks in the ground
Remembering to want and need and desire

How can I forget truth and justice
When every day I see the need for both
Every time I turn a corner or drive a straightaway
Every time I inhale fresh or stale
Every time I exhale the breath I borrowed from
Every instance of ignoble existence
Every slight of ignorance and random acts

Despite the lack of everyday perfection
I wallow in heaven amongst the daily suffering of saints
I laugh at the absurd ditties and dance to the low-end bass
I stare into the starlit streams looking for answers
I listen to waves of crickets cricketing
A thousand times a thousand
Questioning and answering
Communicating age old wisdoms
Communing together through sound
Uncomplicated ideas extricated from the air
Never before indicated to be
Never flowing against gravity or levity

I see blankets of butterflies
Knuckleballing through the heavy air
Transcending above the earth and through the forest
Sending a message sent to me
I am meant to remember

Nothing you do not want to stand still
 Will not spin incandescently descending down the hill
 Forgetting to adjust for wind and rocks in the ground
Remembering to want and need and desire

Cobb Mountain

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