FLOT Con Text Blog

Welcome to Flot-Con Text: a blog where I release my newest poetry since and as of twentyten. Enjoy! Peace!
Sam Flot

Sunday, December 14, 2014

What Isn't?

What Isn’t?

Another adherent
Is coming unglued
Under the back porch
Unprepared to return to
The fandango forest forces of the jungle
Lit up with torches by the guides
Traveling through the brush with barrels and tents
At the end of the following
At the beginning of
The moment of coming together
Over the front porch gables

Ready to launch the sky’s first refusal
Of tangential currency
Ready to burst the bubble of
The moon’s great insistence
To retire the past tense
In an instant with a flick of a family finger or
A trick perpetrated
As an illusion
But what isn’t an illusion? 

What isn’t a sidewalk or a road?

What isn’t a table or a stove?

What isn’t lost cannot be found

Go somewhere you may find it

Wait here and it might return to you

s. flot


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