FLOT Con Text Blog

Welcome to Flot-Con Text: a blog where I release my newest poetry since and as of twentyten. Enjoy! Peace!
Sam Flot

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Times

Two Times
by flot

Two times I remember
Distinctly like a dream
Followed by that blissful state
Common not at all to followers of fashionable rhetoric

Whatever way the wind blows
When the windkeepers release breezes
The sun gods have their ups and downs
Trying to get across
Trying to get over

Riding in their chariots of flames
Lighting up the sky
On open  -   daytime  -   status

A mission unfulfilled
Or a compass with no north

Reaching a point of boiling specific

Just like every other time
Just like every other time
Trying not to sleep
Right through the temptation to marginalize
All the things we were just beginning to understand

The lessons were within focus
The teachers did their thing
Passing it on
Because they realize
There can be some ways which accomplish more than others
Some techniques work faster, more effectively
To reduce the ratio of swings and misses

The other time there was no breeze to break the hot stale air
There was no hot stale air
Only a cold wind
Fiercely re-locating frozen ice particles directly into my face
As I'm feeling no pain
Which is not to say I was under any sedation
But in my mind
As opposed to out of it
Or any other sense

As an indication of the directness
Of being the vessel which delivers the message
As a concentrated sound emerges on demand
All pistons firing
All synapses synapsing
Passing out commands

”breathe in deep”

"move the tongue"

"use appropriate timing"

"use a sense of propriety concerning
the place or time and people present"

<{<{<{<{<{ & }>}>}>}>}>

Both times had heirs reminiscent
Wondering questioningly
Asking question after question
In one form or another
Sarcastic or naive
Bent to understand
One way or no way at all
As long as we reach some form of redemption
Compliant or voluntarily placed,  like a landmine
Offered to be put together to explode
That is
Something that is in many pieces
Brought together to form one myriad entity
Feeding symbiotically
Replacing parts while building new parts
Expanding and getting bigger
Only to explode or implode every day
Has it's dog in the hot afternoon sun
Melting into the night
Through dusk's foreclosure
Which wraps up the daylight
All caught up in a gill net
Put away for the night

***No escaping***

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